Residential Property Conveyancing

Whether you are a novice, or a seasoned investor, the sale or purchase of your home, or an investment property, ranks amongst the biggest decisions most people will be called upon to make in their lifetime.
There are many hidden legal complexities to the process.
Cairns Lawyers can guide you every step of the way. We ensure that your rights and interests are protected at all stages, before during and after the transaction.
“Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.” – Will Rogers.
When you do buy, or if you have waited long enough and are ready to sell, trust Cairns Lawyers to guide you and protect your interests with the critically important and complex issues of the conveyancing process.
Personal Injury and Compensation Claims

If you have suffered a personal injury at work, or in a road accident, then you will know the emotional and financial turmoil that such an unexpected set back can visit upon you, your family, and your lifestyle.
At Cairns Lawyers, we understand your predicament and your concerns for your, and your family’s, financial future. We believe that things ought to be put right. We care that things are ultimately put right for you and your family. And, we know how to achieve that to the fullest possible extent of the law.
“Don’t get mad, get even.” – common expression and song by Aerosmith.
Don’t settle for just getting even.
Get your maximum, just compensation with the help of Cairns Lawyers.
Ask us about our “No Win, No Fee”* terms on Personal Injury claims.
Superannuation Claims

We all hope and plan for a full, rewarding and fruitful working life. And, when our working life is done, our hopes and plans turn to a long and happy retirement comfortable in the knowledge that our super will be there to support us.
Sometimes, however, our work plans can be unexpectedly and permanently disrupted, causing severe financial hardship.
If you have found yourself in this situation, you may be entitled to early access to your super.
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go askew.” – Robert Burns.
If your work and life plans have been disrupted, and you have fallen on financial hardship, talk to Cairns Lawyers about a possible claim for early access to your super.
Commerical Property Conveyancing

Investing in commercial property is a complex process requiring rigorous investigation and due diligence.
The intertwined legal, financial and taxation issues require careful thought and delicate balance.
“Step with care and great tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act” – Dr Seuss.
At Cairns Lawyers, we work with your team of financial and accounting advisors to strike the best balance of all of your various interests to suit your circumstances, and achieve your optimum outcome.
Wills and Estate Planning

Your Will is the most solemn and sacred document you are likely to sign in your lifetime. It is therefore of the utmost importance that it be prepared in accordance with your wishes and in such a way that your wishes are fulfilled. It is also imperative that it is signed in accordance with the applicable laws in order to ensure its validity when it is inevitably called upon.
The laws governing the preparation and signing of Wills are complex.
“Everyone who wills can hear their inner voice. It is within everyone.” – Mahatma Gandhi
The “will” Gandhi was referring to was obviously an inner strength. But we reckon it can equally be applied to a “voice” expressed through a legal Will – it is within everyone. Trust Cairns Lawyers to ensure that your legal “voice” is recorded and heard in a valid and binding Will.
Deceased Estates Administration

The loss of a loved one is a difficult time for families.
There is much to be done, often with little time, and at a time when we can be feeling somewhat fragile in our grief. Needless to say, the legal complexities which are visited upon those that are left behind, can be overwhelming.
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving
Trust the team at Cairns Lawyers to take care of the complex legal matters with integrity, dignity and compassion, while you take care of your grief and honour your loved one.
Deceased Estates Claims and Disputes

Sometimes in life, things are not as they seem, or as one may expect.
Sometimes, this is also true in death, especially when it comes to the provisions of a Will.
If your expectations have not been met, or you believe that you have been “shortchanged” of your fair share in a Will, then you may be entitled to contest or challenge the Will.
The laws associated with Wills are complex. There are numerous grounds or bases upon which a Will may be contested or challenged.
Most importantly, strict time limits apply.
“Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the Estate.” – Ambrose Bierce.
As confronting or unpalatable as this may sound, it is in some cases, an inescapable fact, and a necessary action to take.
Talk to Cairns Lawyers about your rights to challenge or contest a Will without delay.
Ask us about our “No Win, No Fee” terms on Deceased Estate claims.
Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution

You may find yourself needing to enforce a legal right, or indeed needing to defend legal proceedings that have been brought against you. Either way, Cairns Lawyers can assist with advice on your available options, make recommendations, and take actions to resolve the matter.
“Litigation is a tool used by negotiators.” – Gerard Nierenberg.
Whether your problem calls for litigation or negotiation (or both) Cairns Lawyers can guide you to achieve the best possible outcome, promptly and cost effectively.
Criminal and Traffic Offences

We understand that nobody is immune from the possibility of finding themselves in trouble on the wrong side of the criminal or traffic laws. If this has happened to you, then we are not here to judge.
Rather, we will assist and serve you with thorough:
- Testing of the facts;
- Investigation of your potential defences;
- Consideration of all your options;
- Advice and counsel to enable you to decide the best way forward.
“The presumption of innocence, that golden thread that runs through our system of justice, and no one seems to give a toss for it anymore.” – Horace Rumpole.
Well, at Cairns Lawyers, we do.
Divorce, Separation and Family Disputes

Sometimes, our home life and matters of the heart do not turn out the way we had hoped and planned.
The stress experienced during the breakdown of a relationship can be overwhelming. The associated legal issues can seem unnavigable or insurmountable.
“When people divorce, it’s always such a tragedy. At the same time, if people stay together, it can be even worse.” – Monica Bellucci.
The one non-negotiable asset at such a difficult time is a lawyer who not only has the expertise to assist you with the various legal issues, but who also genuinely cares about achieving the best outcome for you and your family with a practical, cost effective and equitable solution. Cairns Lawyers can assist to achieve those outcomes for you, with care and compassion.
Business Sales/Purchases

The sale or purchase of a business is laced with a myriad of legal, financial and taxation issues.
Cairns Lawyers works with your financial and accounting advisors to ensure that your legal rights are protected, and your obligations are met, all while striking the best balance with your financial and taxation interests and obligations.
“Play by the rules, but be ferocious.” – Phil Knight (Co-Founder, Nike).
Trust Cairns Lawyers to help you play by the rules, and protect your business interests.
Commercial/Retail Property Leasing

Whether you are a Landlord (Lessor) or a Tenant (Lessee) of a commercial property, a robust, secure and fair Lease which regulates the Landlord/Tenant relationship is essential.
“Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.” – Warren Buffet (Businessman and Philanthropist).
Trust the team at Cairns Lawyers to minimise your risks by ensuring that your rights are protected with a valid and effective Lease.
Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advanced Health Directives

An Enduring Power of Attorney ensures that someone you trust to act in your best interests makes important financial and personal/health decisions on your behalf, if and when you have lost capacity to do so.
An Advance Health Directive ensures that those whom you appoint to make decisions for you, know and understand your wishes when you can no longer express them.
“The timing of your decisions is just as important as the decision you make” – John C. Maxwell.
Now is the time to decide who it is that will make decisions for you, if and when you no longer can, and to put your wishes in writing to guide them, if and when needed.
Cairns Lawyers will ensure that the person you trust to act in your best interests is empowered to make decisions for you, in the way you want them to.
Terms and Conditions and information:
No Win No Fee Explanation
If we act for you on a No Win No Fee basis, then:
- You will not be required to pay any professional fees or disbursement up front while we pursue your claim on your behalf.
- You will not pay any professional fees or disbursements to us unless:
(i) We win your case and you get damages/compensation for your injuries from a third party; or
(ii) We cease to act for you in the matter because of a breach by you of our Client Agreement.
- If you receive damages/compensation from a third party, then our legal fees and disbursements will be deducted from the damages/compensation you receive (for an amount limited by our Costs Agreement and/or the 50/50 rule pursuant to the Legal Profession Act);
- If your claim is unsuccessful or ends up in Court (which is rare) and you lose:
(i) You will not be required to pay our professional fees and disbursements unless the reason for being unsuccessful or losing in Court is because your claim is shown to be not genuine or an attempt to defraud any party;
(ii) You may be required or ordered by the court to pay the other party’s legal costs (professional fees and disbursements).
- Our agreement to pursue your claim on your behalf is subject to us being satisfied that:
(i) Sufficient primary liability for your injuries rests with a third party; and
(ii) The nature and extent of your injuries and the amount of likely damages/compensation payable to you warrants the pursuit of a claim on your behalf.
- Whilst we provide this information for the sake of full disclosure and completeness, it is important to note that:
A very high percentage of matters in which we act for clients are settled without the matter going to Court.